広島大学大学院理学研究科 地球惑星システム学専攻

Norikatsu AKIZAWA


Affiliation: Deptartment of Earth and Planetary Systems Science,
Title: Associate professor
Room: A712
E-mail:  akizawa [AT] hiroshima-u.ac.jp
More info: Profiles of faculty and research scholors, Hiroshima University

Research Topics

  • Mantle peridotite
  • Thermal history of mantle
  • Petit-spot magmatism

Courses in Charge

  • Undergraduate course: Solid Geochemistry II, Field Excursion for Earth Science A・B, Advanced Earth and Planetary Science
  • Graduate course: Survey of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Integrated Seminar on Earth and Planetary Systems Science 

Selected Publications

  1. Akizawa, N., Ishimura, T., Yoshikawa, M., Kogiso, T., Ishikawa, A., Mimura, K. (2024) Stable carbon and oxygen isotope signatures of mantle-derived calcite in Aitutaki lherzolite xenolith: Implications for organic carbon cycle in the oceanic mantle. Marine Geology, 475, 107363.
  2. Akizawa, N., Ozawa, K., Kogiso, T., Ishikawa, A., Miyake, A., Igami, Y., Wallis, S.R., Nagaya, T., Ohshima, C., Fujita, R., Kawamoto, T., Tamura, A., Morishita, T., Arai, S., Yasumoto, A. (2024) Evidence for suboceanic small-scale convection from a “garnet”-bearing lherzolite xenolith from Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 11, 38. 
  3. Akizawa, N., Ito, K., Niki, S., Hirata, T., Okino, K., Ohara, Y. (2024) Late dry back-arc magmatism recorded as dolerite dike intrusion in the Mado Megamullion, Shikoku Basin. Geochemical Journal, 58, 194-203.