広島大学大学院理学研究科 地球惑星システム学専攻


Affiliation: Deptartment of Earth and Planetary Systems Science,
  Graduate School of Science
Title: Assistant professor
Room: A706
E-mail: e-mail
More info: Profiles of faculty and research scholors, Hiroshima University

Research Topics

  • Rock-melt interaction in the mantle

Courses in Charge

  • Undergraduate course:
  • Graduate course:

Selected Publications

  1. T.M. Chakraborti, A. Ray, and G.K. Deb (2019), Reappraisal of the ‘early proterozoic gabbro-anorthosite suite’ rocks from the eastern Singhbhum craton, India: Insights from field features, petrography–mineralogy and geochemistry, Journal of Earth System Science, 128 (8), 219
  2. T.M. Chakraborti, A. Ray, G.K. Deb, D. Upadhyay, and R. Chakrabarti (2019), Evidence of crustal reworking in the Mesoarchean: Insights from geochemical, U-Pb zircon and Nd isotopic study of a 3.08–3.12 Ga ferro-potassic granite-gneiss from north-eastern margin of Singhbhum Craton, India, Lithos, 330, 16-34
  3. T.M. Chakraborti, A. Ray, and G.K. Deb (2018), Evidence of melt/rock interaction in the Cr-spinel bearing wehrlite rocks of Bangriposi, India: Implications for nature of the metasomatic agent, Geoscience Frontiers, 9 (4), 1213-1227
  4. T.M. Chakraborti, A. Ray, and G.K. Deb (2017), Crystal size distribution analysis of plagioclase from gabbro‐anorthosite suite of Kuliana, Orissa, eastern India: implications for textural coarsening in a static magma chamber, Geological Journal, 52 (2), 234-248
  5. T.M. Chakraborti, A. Ray, and G.K. Deb (2016), Computation of parent magma compositions of a layered gabbro suite around Kuliana, Orissa, eastern India: implications for magmatic evolution and paleotectonic setting, The Journal of Geology, 124 (6), 723-741