Affiliation: Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Graduate School of Science Title: Professor Room: A606 E-mail: More info: Profiles of faculty and research scholors, Hiroshima University
Research Topics
- High-pressure mineral physics
Courses in Charge
- Undergraduate course: Physics of Earth and planetary interiors B, Practice of Earth and planetary systems science B, etc.
- Graduate course: Dynamics in the Earth, Deep Earth materials science, etc.
Selected Publications
- Inoue, T., T. Wada, R. Sasaki, and H. Yurimoto, Water partitioning in the Earth's mantle, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 183, 245-251, 2010.
- Inoue, T., D.J. Weidner, P.A. Northrup and J.B. Parise, Elastic properties of hydrous ringwoodite (γ-phase) in Mg2SiO4, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 160, 107-113, 1998.
- Inoue, T., H. Yurimoto and Y. Kudoh, Hydrous modified spinel, Mg1.75SiH0.5O4: a new water reservoir in the mantle transition region. Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 117-120, 1995.