Affiliation: Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Graduate School of Science Title: Professor Room: A614 E-mail: More info: Profiles of faculty and research scholors, Hiroshima University Personal web page
Research Topics
- Rock rheology
Courses in Charge
- Undergraduate course: Petrology, Rock deformation, Optical crystallography laboratory, etc.
- Graduate course: Faults and earthquakes, etc.
Selected Publications
- Katayama, I. Terada, T., Okazaki, K. and Tanikawa, W. 2012. Episodic tremor and slow slip potentially linked to permeability contrasts at the Moho. Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo1559.
- Katayama, I., Hirauchi, K., Michibayashi, K. and Ando, J. 2009. Trench-parallel anisotropy produced by serpentine deformation in the hydrated mantle wedge. Nature, 461, 1114-1117.