Affiliation: Deptartment of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Graduate School of Science Title: Associate professor Room: A609 E-mail: More info: Profiles of faculty and research scholors, Hiroshima University Personal web page
Research Topics
- High-pressure mineral physics
- Deep Earth rheology
Courses in Charge
- Undergraduate course: Practice of Earth and planetary systems science B, Physics of Earth and planetary interiors B, etc.
- Graduate course: Dynamics in the Earth, Deep Earth materials science, etc.
Selected Publications
- T. Kawazoe, Y. Nishihara, T. Ohuchi, N. Miyajima, G. Maruyama, Y. Higo, K. Funakoshi, and T. Irifune (2016), Creep strength of ringwoodite measured at pressure-temperature conditions of the lower part of the mantle transition zone using a deformation-DIA apparatus, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454, 10-19.
- T. Kawazoe, T. Ohuchi, Y. Nishihara, N. Nishiyama, K. Fujino, and T. Irifune (2013), Seismic anisotropy in the mantle transition zone induced by shear deformation of wadsleyite, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 216, 91-98.
- T. Kawazoe, S. Karato, K. Otsuka, Z. Jing, and M. Mookherjee (2009), Shear deformation of dry polycrystalline olivine under deep mantle conditions using a rotational Drickamer apparatus (RDA), Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 174 (1), 128-137.